super hectic day today!
got woken up at 5:30 and made "tawad" until 7, that was the only time i got up and started moving.
the reason why i got earlier than my usual (which is 8:30am if i'm lucky!), is that today is the day that i must enlist in UP Dil. i hope to get at least one course closer to MS in Marine Science or Wildife Bio. Thus, i was off to OUR in IMC. One Gatorade, 14 tissues (soaked in sweat) and a sore foot later, i was riding off in the UP-Pantranco jeep, heading back to the office, with faint traces of a smile creeping in. I held in my hand a slip of paper that signified I was a student, again.
i just noticed yesterday: the sun's rays slant beautifully at 5:30 in the afternoon.