Monday, August 02, 2004

Orange County

I watched it a few years ago -- for free! I was still an employee at ABS Interactive and I was given the ticket as an unlooked for favor, Studio 23 sponsored the advanced screening if I remembered it right. I just breezed through it, okay so I liked Jack Black, he was really funny but aside from that I took nothing else from the movie. That little insignificant movie starring Tom Hanks's son slipped out of my mind into oblivion. That is, until I saw it again on cable a few days back. It had a different impact on me. It made sense this time. I even identified with the character. I know not a lot of people would find sense in this movie, but I wondered why I did, and that only at the second viewing. Well, probably because this time I can see where the main character is coming from. He wants something and he thinks of only one way of getting it. He was so stuck in that road that he missed the point that there might be other roads, and that he might have chosen that particular road as an escape from something he didn't want to admit that he wants to escape from (whew! that was a mouthful!). When he realized all these at the end, things became clearer. He removed all the clutter and finally identified what he really wanted. And realistically set to accomplishing them, carefully considering alternative ways of doing it. In some ways I think I'm in a phase where I want to do things too, and I'm also stuck in this road i've chosen. is it the only road? what other roads lie ahead for me that I haven't considered? hmmm I smell a prayer item here :-) this is really a subject for prayer.
Anyway so at the second viewing I did liked the movie better, not for anything else but for the main point that the writer wanted to get across to the audience.


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