song in my head at the moment - You're Beautiful by James Blunt.
Just recently saw the video too and i liked it. it was quiet but not haunting, simple but introspective. well at least that's what i think, =_=. what he did to cap off the video is something that i'd also want to do one glum rainy day. ah! today is one actually. it's 10:30 am but it's dark outside and the rain is pouring heavily. its taking all my effort just to get up and out of bed and do stuff.
.. i need my daily dose of shinoda... am trying to learn as much as i can of japanese, and his diary is as good a place as any to start. well, okay ... that's actually a stretch ^^. i just need an excuse to visit his site and see his updates hehe, shallow kid! *points to self*. but somehow the day ain't complete without sneaking a peak.... and i really am learning a lot .. honest!
i'm familiarizing myself with kanji characters with the use of mozilla's nifty rikaixul tool that gives out possible kanji translations as you mouse over the characters while browsing through a site. ^_~;
stumbled into this site while aimlessly surfing: warning don't surf while drinking or eating or your drink/food might go to the wrong pipe. some of the stuff here can really crack you up. well maybe not always... i think you have to be in a certain mood (read: mababaw and giggly mode) to really get the whole impact of the craziness of the translations. here are some that made me snicker <1> <2> if you've got time on your hands....
well i am off!
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